If you have a gym doing OVER $10,000/month than you’re qualified to attend an exclusive event called… 



For Gym Owners

November 8th & 9th In San Antonio, TX

Give us 2 Days To Learn The Secrets Of Building a Powerful Brand(Without Buying It)…so you can become the most respected, admired and wealthy gym owner in your area. 

New Client Appreciation Offer





  • Seminar Seat Only

  • Lunch

  • Workbook

  • Bonus Gifts

After Party NOT Included





  • Seminar Seat

  • Lunch on both day

  • Workbook

  • After party


Email [email protected] if you have any questions 

By Coming to this event you will… 

  • Learn The 7 Most Important Branding Secrets That All Million Dollar Gyms know… that’ll give you permission to charge higher prices and double your lifetime client value. 

  • Discover the top 5 reasons why some gyms explode and why others take forever to reach their income goals. 

  • Get Clarity on what’s next for you and your business and leave with a detailed action plan to make this a reality 

  • Discover the power of putting yourself in a room with motivated, successful and driven gym owners…totally open to sharing their money making secrets with you

  • See for yourself how being part of a community like this will get you where you want to be(Personally and Financially) a lot faster than you could by yourself.

From the Desk Of Vince Gabriele

Dear Gym Owner, 

I’d like to invite you to attend my next live event that’s taking place in San Antonio, Texas.   

Let me start with a question…

If 10 people in your target market were asked “What gym would you call if you needed a personal trainer?

Would your name come up most of the time?

If Yes, there’s one thing that’ll grow…YOUR BANK ACCOUNT

If NO…this is a problem and I’m going to help you fix it. 

I’m hoping you know what “hypertrophy” means, if you forgot it means enlargement of muscle fibers. 

Brand Hypertrophy™ is all about growing the fibers of your brand so you can transform your gym into the most respected, admired and profitable gym in your area. 

In short, the stronger your brand, the more money you’ll make.  Here’s 2 huge mistakes gyms make when building a successful brand. 

Mistake #1: They don’t do anything to grow their brand.  

I had a gym owner tell me years ago “we’re the best gym in town that no one knows about”

Instead of doing something about it, he ended up closing his doors a few years later. 

This happens for two reasons

Being good at what you do does not mean you’ll make the most money 

The gyms with the best training tend to do very little to become known…

…So they stay a “secret”…and keeping your gym a  secret is bad for making money.

Mistake #2: Paying to Build your brand(like big companies do) is likely to put you out of business 

When you try to build your brand the way Nike or McDonalds does it’s more likely to help you go broke than grow your gym. 

I see local businesses all the time trying to build their brand by paying large sums of money to get their “name out there”

The strategy is they pay lots of money so that people see their name enough times and eventually decide to do business with them 

While this works for big boys, it’s a huge flop for local small businesses. 

There’s a strategic way to build a successful brand that’s not going to put you in the poor house…

It’s the strategy I personally used to grow my gym into the most respected and financially successful gym in my area…

…And the strategy I’ve taught my coaching clients that have gone on to grow million dollar brands themselves.

I’m going to teach you this on November 8-9th in San Antonio Texas…

This Event is about 3 Things 

  • Getting the Tools To Build A Powerful Brand Without Paying For It

  • Growing The Bottom Line Profit At your Gym 

  • Giving You Clarity, Focus and The Action Plan to Make this a Reality 

Why Should You Listen to Me?

I’m not going to just tell you how to become a better business owner…I’m going to show you exactly how I’ve done it and how many others do the same. 

I grew my own gym(that still runs today) from zero to 1.6mm…and now help gym owners like you. 

I’ve written 12 books related to helping gym owners grow themselves and their business and for the past decade have helped thousands of gym owners with my advice.

When you try to build your brand the way Nike or McDonalds does it’s more likely to help you go broke than grow your gym. 

I see local businesses all the time trying to build their brand by paying large sums of money to get their “name out there”

The strategy is they pay. There’s a lot being taught out there in the fitness industry, lots of it sounds nice...but very little of it is actually proven...which means you should take what any fitness business guru tells you with a grain of salt. 

I did not make my money from a part-time MLM gig.

Nor did I take on a business partner that injected 7 figures into my business.

Nor did I sell my gym for the cost of the equipment and then start teaching gym owners.

No. I am one of the VERY few...if not the only ACTIVE brick and mortar gym owner that helps other gym owners build a business that gives them a great life...and I do this all day long.

But my own success as a gym owner is just the beginning. Take a look at some of the LONG TERM Success Stories Below from gym owners I’ve personally helped go from broke to RICH.

Why Should You Listen to Me?

  • The 7 Most Important Branding Secrets That All Million Dollar Gyms know… that’ll give you permission to charge higher prices and grow your lifetime client value which means you’ll dramatically increase your profits.

  • How to be the most respected brand in your community without paying for it(...like most sucker business owners do)

  • How to intentionally drive word of mouth marketing and get your community to say what you want them to say.

  • How to make yourself the most well-known, respected, sought after and HIGHEST PAID expert in your area.

  • How to turn your staff into mini celebrities who are 100% loyal to YOUR brand and spend their weekends growing YOUR business…without worrying about them leaving and taking 50% of your members.

  • Learn the public speaking secrets that will enable you to leave any audience wanting to become a member at your gym.

  • How to write a 200 page book that grows your authority as an expert in your community …without writing a single word 

  • Exactly what words to use to differentiate your gym from every other gym in your area

  • Learn the Most Powerful Way to Get your entire community talking, thinking and becoming interested in your business

Plus, learn from Fitness Industry Legend Martin Rooney, the founder of a powerful brand himself called Training for Warriors. I’ve hired Martin to come to San Antonio and do a LIVE keynote talk on how you can transform your gym community into the most talked about gym in your area.

Is this for you? 

To be frank, this seminar is NOT for rookie gym owners doing less than 10k a month. I have plenty of free content out there to help gym owners just starting out get more clients and make more money.

Here are some things that would describe the gym owner that should come to this event

  • You’ve been at this a bit and revenue has slowed, profit is going down and you don’t know what to do to break through...

  • You’re doing ok but kind of bored and don’t know what’s next

  • You are having aspirations of opening more locations or expanding your current one

  • You have a solid core of team members but you want help more by becoming a better leader 

  • You have created some freedom thus far you’re frustrated as hell with finding out what to do with your time 

  • You know how to get new clients but it’s random and certainly not a system… its mostly dependent on you and your reputation

  • You’re making some money right now and the investment for this seminar will not prevent you from making payroll

In addition to the Core Content …here's what else you’ll get

The business skills and ideas to make More Money: Every meeting our gym owners leave armed with a truckload of money-making ideas. These ideas come from the presentations, the workshop exercises and the resources provided...but these aren't the biggest source of the money-making goodness you’ll get at this event. The biggest source is the conversations that happen during breaks, at lunch, when people let loose at our famous evening event, and even when our gym owners share Uber rides back to the airport. These are the priceless exchanges that you’ll experience all weekend. 

Clarity on What to Do Next: If things are a little hazy right now that's totally understandable. We have a process at every meeting that helps you leave the weekend knowing what things you need to focus on over the next 120 days. So, if more clarity on what YOU should be doing to help your business grow...this will be handed on a silver platter.

To Be in A Room Loaded with Gyms doing 7 figures and/or Scaling to Multiple Locations: You’re the product of the top 5 people you surround yourself with most.  Who you decide to spend time with regularly is a huge indicator of success. The SPF Mastermind is filled with millionaire gym owners who are scaling, have scaled or even sold their gyms and launched new ventures. 

Discover What's Working NOW for Gym Owners: Since we ask our most successful members to share their biggest wins...the weekend is chock full of what’s happening in real time to help gyms make more money and be more successful. There is NO theory here, it’s just what is working right now, and all the benefit goes into your checking account. 

An Opportunity to test drive my SPF Mastermind Group:  We’re only looking to work with gym owners that appreciate hard work, making commitments to excellence and becoming the best they can be.  If that’s you…please read below

Who will be speaking at this Event? 

Vince Gabriele

Launched and grew 3 different 7 figure companies himself and is responsible for turning dozens of struggling personal trainers into Rich Gym Owners that have become young millionaires under his guidance.

Martin Rooney

A fitness industry legend and personal friend of Vince. Coach Rooney brings 30 years of business success and wisdom. He is the founder the iconic Brand Training for Warriors.

Joe Hashey

The head business coach of the SPF mastermind, launched synergy athletics into a multi-location 7 figure company in New York.   Then moved his family to colorado and ran the gyms from a distance, continued to grow them and recently had a very successful 7 figure exit.

Tom Leonardis

Tom is the head of sales for Vince’s companies and will be diving deep into how you can go from being frustrated that none of your leads respond to being OVERBOOKED with new clients meetings.

Jordan Hice

Once a struggling gym owner doing 4k/month when he joined the SPF Mastermind…to today where he's doing over 50K a month and about to open his second location. He’ll share the growth secrets you’ll be able to swipe and deploy.


“I was struggling to make $4k a month, now we’re making $60k a month...”

“When I first started following Vince I was struggling, making about 4K a month. I had just started my gym and had no idea how to market and get people in the door. I started implementing principles that I have learned over the last couple years and now we’re doing 60k a month.

Now, I have more freedom than ever.”

-Dr. John Dougherty, Conquer Fitness, Frisco, TX


“This is the single best investment that you can make for your business.”

“Before SPF I was barely making $10,000/month in gross revenue and working 6-7 days a week typically from 6am-8pm—I was struggling! At first, I was hesitant about the price of SPF—I had never invested that much money into anything, I was dealing with the fallout of a bad business partnership that cost me over $70,000! Since joining SPF, I’ve gained a steady, predictable stream of leads that convert well into paying members, and a team that handles the day-to-day so that I can grow and scale the business. This is the single best investment that you can make for your business.”

-George McGuire, Create Fitness, Kent WA


“Before joining the SPF Group, I was a one-man show making about $8,000 a month. Now, we have two locations, four coaches, and last month we almost hit $36,000 in revenue.”

- Giancarlo Regni, G-Strength, Kensington, PA


“From $1 million in credit card debt to a $300k cash cushion“

“We were broke, $1M in personal credit card debt, stressed, and couldn’t figure out how to make my business grow. I was hesitant to join SPF at first because all the other ‘programs’ I tried were led by a bunch of hacks. Vince changed my mind with just one call, and fast-forward two years: we are debt free, have cash in the bank, have freedom of time, less stress, and I’m a better husband and dad, and I get to vacation with my family. Our business is profitable and we are opening more locations. I’ve never been so excited in all my life.”

- Tony Bianchino, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training, Westfield, NJ


“The price of joining SPF spooked me for a second but we’ve gone from $8k to $27K a month.’”

“Before joining SPF, I was chained to the gym, making 8-10K a month of extremely hard-fought revenue. I was making all of my decisions based on feelings, and as a result I was stressed, short tempered, and unable to take the time to focus on my own health and well-being. The price of joining SPF spooked me for a second, considering that I wasn’t making all that much money, but since I pulled the trigger on joining, the gym has gone from $8-10K a month to $23-27K a month. We had probably 35-40 members and now have 100 members.”

- Maria Gutierrez, Big Day Fitness, Norwell, MA


“Before SPF, I was a singular gym owner, burnt out. After SPF, I’ve got a great team and I’ve got two locations that are both thriving.”

"As the only person in my business, my biggest pain point was not knowing how to make moves to get more business, and how to build a team—I felt alone and overwhelmed. SPF gives you the confidence to overcome any of these roadblocks that you have in your head through constant education; with like-minded individuals, you're sharing ideas, and creating new things all the time just by interacting with all the other members. Before SPF, I was a singular gym owner, burnt out. Since SPF, I've got a great team and I've got two locations that are both thriving.”

- Kyle Newell, Newell Strength, Hillsborough NJ

By Coming to this event you will… 

  • Learn The 7 Most Important Branding Secrets That All Million Dollar Gyms know… that’ll give you permission to charge higher prices and double your lifetime client value.

  • Discover the top 5 reasons why some gyms explode and why others take forever to reach their income goals. 

  • Get Clarity on what’s next for you and your business and leave with a detailed action plan to make this a reality 

  • Discover the power of putting yourself in a room with motivated, successful and driven gym owners…totally open to sharing their money making secrets with you

  • See for yourself how being part of a community like this will get you where you want to be(Personally and Financially) a lot faster than you could by yourself.

New Client Appreciation Offer





  • Seminar Seat Only

  • Lunch

  • Workbook

  • Bonus Gifts

After Party NOT Included





  • Seminar Seat

  • Lunch on both day

  • Workbook

  • After party


Email [email protected] if you have any questions 

Finally, here’s confirmation of what you are going to LEAVE with in exchange for your ticket fee:

  1. Answers to why your business hasn’t give you financial freedom, YET

  2. CLARITY on what needs to be done NOW, and by who, in the next 7, 30 and 90 days as well as the next 12 months – so it CAN Grow and Scale

  3. PROOF that it can be done – there’ll be close to 100 others in the room with you who have DONE it

  4. 3-5 IMMEDIATE action items YOU can implement to improve your business in the first 30 days after the event (usually in Marketing…)

  5. A plan that you could either: 

    1. Work on your own

    2. Ask for my help to implement that plan and get it done faster

Hope to meet you in person soon. 

All the best, 

Vince Gabriele


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. My Revenue is below 10K/month, should I come? 

No. This is for gym owners doing over 10K/month.  If you’re just getting started, your best option is to join the 6 Week new Client Surge. Email [email protected] for information.

Q. Can I bring a guest with me?

Yes, for an extra $197 you can bring a guest. 

Q. Where is the event being held?

Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk       

123 Losoya Street San Antonio, Texas 78205 United States

Q. Where should I stay?

We have a discounted room block with limited room availability so get in quickly Link Code: G-SPFM

Alternatively, AirBnB is another great option. LINK

Q. What airport should I fly into?

San Antonio International Airport(SAT)

Q. What should I bring with me?

Nothing except a pen and an open mind. We will provide you with a notebook and there is nothing to prepare in advance. 

Q. Will you be selling anything at this event?

Yes. We are opening 5 spots for qualified new members to apply to join the SPF Mastermind.